Hand Sanitizer
This Sanitizer formulation contains 62% ethyl alcohol as well as aloe, vitamin E, and other moisturizers to prevent excessive drying of the skin on our hands. The high level of alcohol kills germs quickly and the solution is 99.9% effective in killing the contagious microbes.
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Zero Germ is an ultraviolet cell phone sanitizer and charger. The promoters of Zero Germ Cell Phone Sanitizer claim that your cell phone carries 20X more bacteria than a toilet. We often cough, sneeze, touch and commute with the cell phone making it a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria. And we hold the same phone near our face increasing the chances of ingesting those bacteria. We wash our hands to clean up germs but what about the sanitization our cell phones. You need Zero Germ Ultra Violet Sanitizer with built-in charger.
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